190 years - Anniversary Calendar

Remfry & Sagar was founded on a beautiful day in Calcutta in 1827. Over the many years, the firm has been guiding innovation through trademark, patent, design, copyright, geographical indication, domain name, unfair competition and custom’s issues.
As the firm expanded, it reached unexpected corners and undiscovered shores. With over 8000 clients in 70 countries, Remfry & Sagar has fostered close associations across geographies far and wide. Closer to home, we trace the journey of diasporas from Chandernagore to Calicut – discovering how cross-pollination of people has led to richer cities and wealthier cultures through a calendar.
Each month, let’s peruse the twists that bring us together and the quirks that set us apart.
Year: 2016
Client: Remfry & Sagar
Agency: Please See